You can feed many, a few hundred even, but that doesn’t keep them from dying from diarrhea. You can pay for medicines, but some will not eat. How does one make these decisions? In a community where the need outweighs the resources, how do you balance quality of care with quantity of need. This year, LRPI had to pray hard and listen harder to what the Lord would have us to do with the orphan outreach ministry that is happening at Enfys. The number that both the American and Zambian partners came up with was 80.
Eighty children this year will eat one meal each day. Eighty children this year will have clean water. Eighty children this year will have medical care. Eighty children this year will go to school or receive tutoring to help break the cycle. Eighty children this year. God holds each child in Murundu in His hand. While LRPI would like to assist each child, God has set our number and instructed us to be faithful. He will be faithful to care for the others in the village. Perhaps one day our number will be higher, but for this year, LRPI is happy to be a part of these 80 children’s lives.
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June 2014