Several of the Earn It participants help to construct an extra area for the feeding program and school. LRPI introduced the EARN IT program led by Martinz Kampapa to the ENFYS orphanage headed by Pastor Joseph Bwalya in Mufulira, Zambia, in 2010. The EARN IT program targets high school-age youth in ENFYS and the surrounding community and provides them the opportunity to earn school materials, transportation to school, tuition, and personal items. The overall goals of EARN IT are: Educating youth Empowering young people with useful skills Equipping young people spiritually Mentoring young people to work to meet their needs Unlike in America, the cost of transportation to high school in Mufulira can be up to 80% of the total cost of attending school, dwarfing tuition and books. Inclusion of transport costs as part of Earn It helps to mitigate that barrier which can stand between our youth and an education. Martinz says that EARN IT gives the students hope when they realize they are capable of helping themselves. The students attitudes and accomplishments as well as Martinz’ management has not gone unnoticed by the community. Now in its second year, the success has been noticed beyond Mufulira. On April 13 a Government leader visited Martinz, and said "We have heard much about your program, we would love you to come and guide us on how we can use our block-making machine to benefit the youths in Mufulira district, using your program and methods." Martinz says, "Having done this for some time it was very easy for me to give the idea to the government official and they have asked me if I can put up a plan and then show them how I have been keeping up the hours each participant earns each day. If the Government can take this idea, it means that our friends have been supporting the right thing. We should copy the good ideas in order to foster development in our country." "I personally thank you. Your support to this program will see other benefit from many areas not only in Mufulira but in all the country." EARN IT is managed stateside by Jeff Hamilton with support from Renelle Tompkins.
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June 2014