Orphan and Vulnerable Children
LRPI has been working since 2008 in the area of Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC's). It is not a situation that has a single answer, but over the last several years, we have worked to clarify our role in being part of the solution. Our focus is currently in the Copperbelt providence of Zambia and in Tanzania. Here poverty and HIV/AIDS have left many children without parents or without a caregiver with the means to provide for them. We have taken the approach of assisting local people who have a heart for these children and the families who are already caring for them.
We have identified six qualities that our OVC partnerships need to be successful.
1. God-centered
2. Holistic approach to child care and development (spiritual, physical, mental)
3. Strong partnership with local leadership
4. Stewardship
5. Accountability and transparency
6. Strategy for progressive local sustainability
We have identified six qualities that our OVC partnerships need to be successful.
1. God-centered
2. Holistic approach to child care and development (spiritual, physical, mental)
3. Strong partnership with local leadership
4. Stewardship
5. Accountability and transparency
6. Strategy for progressive local sustainability
Priorities of Orphan Care
When looking at what programs we will offer to children, we have come up with our own hierarchy of needs. The needs on the bottom of the triangle need to be filled before we move towards the top. We also offer the programs that meet the essential needs to more children than those that we view as less critical.
Spiritual Needs are filled for any child who would like to attend our youth groups or other outreach activities. Nutrition: Food and Clean Water are provided to every child enrolled in one of our orphan programs. Clean water is provided to everyone who drinks from a well we chlorinate. Medical Care is provided to those enrolled in the orphan programs. Elementary education is provided by LRPI schools in Zambia and Tanzania Higher education is provided through the Earn It program to students who are willing to work for the opportunity to better themselves. |